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Botanical style

Bring nature into your home with botanical interior design projects! Create a plant wall from wooden planks or go for a homemade terrarium. Create a calm and green atmosphere with DIY furniture and decorations such as a made-to-measure shelving unit, extendable dining bench with extra storage or a bookshelf for your collection of botanical inspiration. 

Discover tips and ideas to transform your home into a green oasis. Best of all, DIY projects are not only fun to do, but can also be affordable. By using custom-sawn wood and board materials, you can tailor the material exactly as you need it, which often results in less waste. Moreover, you can easily customise the material to fit your budget, allowing you to stay within your budget and still achieve a beautiful result.

So if you are looking for ways to enhance your interiors with the unique and peaceful botanical style, why not start making your own DIY projects and furniture? With custom-sawn wood and board materials, you can realise any idea and be proud of the result. See how others previously made their projects here and get inspired.

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